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Keep your sweet memories alive with artwork!


A piece of your heart
as a work of art

With a beautiful portrait, you can capture the essence of your pet's personality.

It's the perfect gift or decoration for your home. 

Till we meet again. Hug of two african elephants
Artist drawing a horse with pastel pencils.


Portrait drawing

Behid the scenes. Work in progress of a petportrait.


on Twitch

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Tímea creates high quality realistic custom portraits of your beloved pet, that captures their personality.

All the petportraits are handdrawn from photograph only using the best quality art materials.

Bozsoky Art

Meet the artist

Discover the global journey of my artworks on this map, showcasing their diverse locations across continents:

Global artistry: A map highlighting locations around the world where my drawings have found homes, spreading creativity and inspiration far and wide.
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